The end of this guide marks the beginning of your process of societal engagement. It is now time to put into practice
everything we have covered. If you have not done so already, please download the PDF guidebook to answer the questions, which will help you to give shape to your approach to engaging citizens. We hope that these will make you feel more confident about engaging people in your innovation processes.
The final step within the process of societal engagement is evaluation. This can be used to identify how the topics discussed in the meetings will affect your approach to technological innovation, but also how to improve the next societal engagement. Societal engagement is never finished, it is an iterative process. You are starting to build your network and citizens will increasingly become interested in participating in future developments.
We recommended that you embed societal engagement practices within your company’s processes This requires creating organisational processes and structures that are conducive to engagement, for example by ensuring there is sufficient expertise and capacity, as well as available resources
The Tech Industry’s Guide has been created as part of the EU-funded SocKETs project, which aims to align innovative technologies with citizens’ needs and values through societal engagement. This 3-year project is coordinated by the Danish Board of Technology with partners from six countries.
This guide and its contents reflect only their authors’ view. The Research Executive Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.
The SocKETs project (Societal Engagement with Key Enabling Technologies) has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement no.958277.
Create a process plan
Questions to consider
To answer the following questions about implementing societal engagement in your company, use the direct link below for the relevant page in the PDF Guidebook.
- In which way can you ensure that the outcomes from the societal engagement that your company undertakes will have an impact on the innovation trajectory?
- How can you make sure to adapt the innovation trajectory according to new insights raised by participants?
- In which way can you improve current societal engagement practices within your company?
- Which part of the process do you find easy? And which part do you find difficult and why?
- How do you make sure to challenge your own assumptions and expectations during the process?
- In which way will societal engagement have an impact on your company?